Zoning Advisory Board of Appeal hearing
The Boston Zoning Code has information on the Articles and definitions of terms in this agenda
Discussion Topics
HEARINGS: 5:00 p.m.
Case: BOA-1029344 Address: 56 Green Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda
Article(s): 62(62-25) 62(62-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Rear yard insufficient)
Purpose: Add rear dormer, rebuild existing 2nd floor deck, interior renovation, add full sprinkler system.
Case: BOA-1029342 Address:16 Hill Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda
Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-1) 43(43-9.4)
Purpose: Touching exterior roofline to enlarge front + rear dormers. Interior remodel of 1st fl kitchen/living & 3rd fl master bedroom suite. Structural header above 1st fl to widen existing openings. Structural header at 3rd floor to remove existing chimney below 3rd fl.
Case: BOA-1034626 Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development
Article(s): 64(64-9.4)
Purpose: Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit.
Case: BOA#1034625 Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development
Purpose:Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit #2. Section 9th 780 CMR 1011 Stairways. 1011.3 Headroom. Stairways shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 80 inches.
Case: BOA1048227 Address: 444 West Fourth Ward: 6 Applicant: Ian Feeney
Article(s): 18(18-1)
Purpose: Frame shed dormer on front of house.
Case: BOA-1050562 Address: 13 Mills Street Ward: 12 Applicant: Jimmy McNeil
Article(s): 9(9-1) 50(50-29: Side yard setback is insufficient & Rear yard setback is insufficient)
Purpose: Install deck on top of roof and deck on top of garage. Install 1 sliding door.
Case: BOA-1043218 Address: 58 Rockne Avenue Ward: 16 Applicant: Matthew Murphy
Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-20-8)
Purpose: Construct 1 story bathroom addition. ZBA required.
Case: BOA-1036733 Address: 37 Melville Avenue Ward: 17 Applicant: Timothy Sheehan
Article(s): 9(9-1)
Purpose: New Addition to kitchen one story high Remodel three bathrooms two kitchens two stair cases and new entrance to third floor apartment And new decks back and side.
Case: BOA-1043432 Address: 28 Roslin Street Ward: 17 Applicant: Laurie Fisher
Article(s): 19(19-1)
Purpose: Use of premises for 2 parking spaces.
Case: BOA-1046572 Address: 11-13 Halifax Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Ashley Rao
Article(s): 55(55-9: Floor area ratio is excessive & Height is excessive (2 1/2 stories max, allowed))
Purpose: Interior and exterior renovation of attic with dormers and new exterior windows.
Case: BOA-1027608 Address: 20-22 Bradfield Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Eric Falcon
Article(s): 10(10-1) 67(67-32: Off-street parking location & Off-street parking design)
Purpose: Adding a 2 Car parking space in Front Yard. Removing existing landscaping.
Case: BOA-1029197 Address: 96 Chesbrough Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Ivan Hernandez
Article(s): 56(56-8: Front yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient)
Purpose: Construct new mudroom, front porch and second story addition to existing single-family dwelling.
Case: BOA-1027233 Address: 38 Linnet Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Andrew marsh & Gina Marsh
Article(s): 56(56-8)
Purpose: Attic conversion to master bedroom and bath. All new electrical, plumbing, insulation, board and plaster, hardwoods, tile. We will remove all construction debris with a dumpster in owners driveway.
Case: BOA-1029202 Address: 150 Sanborn Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Ivan Hernandez
Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient)
Purpose: Demo existing right side mudroom and reconstruct larger as per plans. Construct new rear deck per plans. Renovate basement, first and second floors per plan.
Case: BOA-1023357 Address: 14 Thurlow Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Christopher and Nicole Farnsworth
Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient)
Purpose: Add new second story and new attic to existing 1.5 story house on existing house footprint; reconfigure interior per plans; no change to existing footprint or setbacks, no change in existing single family occupancy.