Zoning Board of Appeal hearing
The June 23, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex meeting platform.
Appeals originally scheduled for the board’s zoning advisory subcommittee on April 16, 2020, and deferred to June 18, 2020, subcommittee hearing are deferred and will now be heard by the full Board of Appeal on June 23, 2020, at 10 a.m.
Appeals originally scheduled for the board’s advisory subcommittee on June 18, 2020, have been deferred to June 30, 2020, at 10 a.m.
Recommendations from the zoning advisory subcommittee’s May 14, 2020 hearing will be voted upon by a quorum of board on June 23, 2020, at 12 p.m.
All matters now to be heard on June 23, 2020, have completed the community process and meet the subcommittee eligibility criteria which include smaller scale residential projects for single-family or two-family dwellings or for small businesses occupying less than 35,000 square feet of commercial space.
The subcommittee hearing and full hearing of all scheduled appeals have been consolidated and will now be heard only once by a quorum of the board.
All matters listed on this June 23, 2020, hearing agenda were originally scheduled and noticed, in accordance with the enabling act. Due to the public health emergency, those previously scheduled hearings were postponed and all matters deferred to this June 23, 2020 hearing.
Please be advised of the following participation instructions:The June 23, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex meeting platform. Interested persons can participate in the hearing remotely by going to the ZBA meeting online or by calling 1-617-315-0704 and entering access code 129 919 9448.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please complete our google form to sign up. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or boa number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.
For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the board at least 48 hours in advance either by signing up online, calling 617-635-4775 or emailing isdboardofappeal@boston.gov.
The ZBA ambassador will be available within the webex event from at 9:00 am to 10:00 am to answer questions about v procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via webex. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the v ambassador at zba.ambassador@boston.gov.
To signal you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “raise hand” function, if connected by video, or dial *9, if connected by phone. The requester will be administratively unmuted and asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.
The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the city’s website. Closed captioning is available.
Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to appear in person at city hall, in the BPDA board room 9th floor room 900. Please notify the board at least 48 hours in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing isdboardofappeal@boston.gov for accommodations to be made. Individuals appearing at city hall without an appointment will not be permitted to enter.
Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to isdboardofappeal@boston.gov in lieu of offering testimony online or from the BPDA board room.
Discussion Topics
Approval of Hearing Minutes
February 25, 2020 & March 10, 2020
Case: BOA-1018028 Address: 56 Byron Street Ward: 1 Applicant: Steven Winegar Article(s): 53(53-9) Purpose: Extend living space. Post construction approval of finished living space in basement. The finished area was previously inspected by inspector Pat Curran however the building jacket fails to include the finished basement. The finished area includes a bathroom, family room, office/laundry. Please see issued ALT702607 for fees paid for this application.
Case: BOA-1047183 Address: 30 Concord Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Ken Nolan Article(s): 62(62-8) Purpose: New kitchen addition to rear of existing home. New kitchen and half bath on 1st level. New bath on 2nd level. New Air Conditioning and associated work.
Case: BOA-1047900 Address: 1 Trenton Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Keith Hinzam Article(s): 20(20-1) Purpose: Construct new roof dormers to create living space at existing 3rd floor and new exterior deck at 3rd floor level above existing 2-story rear ell. new front dormer facing street and new rear dormer facing rear of lot. dormers create 108 SF of new living space for master bath and bedroom.
Case: BOA-1043946 Address: 493 Walnut Avenue Ward: 11 Applicant: Seth Davis Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-1) Purpose: Construct new garage addition to existing single-family dwelling.
Case: BOA-1044278 Address: 242 Neponset Avenue Ward: 16 Applicant: Darragh Murphy Article(s): 65(65-9) Purpose: Interior and exterior renovation, including new windows, new shingles, new kitchen and bathrooms, new walls and ceilings, new MEP systems, and construction of a one-story addition with full basement and deck at rear of home.
Case: BOA-1040921 Address: 23R Tonawanda Street Ward: 17 Applicant: Robert Dickerson Article(s): 65(65-9: Accessory bldg.. in rear yard & Accessory bldg. in rear yard (The addition to the shed would exceeded the 25% of the rear yard)) Purpose: Erect a glass house (wood frame) having a dirt floor for plant storage. New structure to be attached to an existing shed.
Case: BOA-1043106 Address: 68 Neponset Avenue Ward: 18 Applicant: Juan Forero-Tarquino Article(s): 19(19-1) Purpose: Construct a single-story rear addition with roof deck to existing two-family dwelling.
Case: BOA-1044560 Address: 50 Osceola Street Ward: 18 Applicant: Norberto Leon Article(s): 69(69-9: Height is excessive (stories), Floor area ratio is excessive & Rear yard setback is insufficient) Purpose: Demolish attic and build a full 3rd floor level, renovated second floor, building plans provided.
Case: BOA- 1031033 Address: 6 Reddy Avenue Ward: 18 Applicant: Keith Brewer Article(s): 69(69-9) Purpose: Extend existing dormer as per plan for access/conform for living space third level. Include 3 fixture bath. Energy Code Applies. Finishes and resilient floor.
Case: BOA-1056627 Address: 179 Ruskindale Road Ward: 18 Applicant: Ledum Nordee Article(s): 69(69-9: Floor area ratio is excessive & Front yard setback requirement is insufficient) Purpose: Aligning new two-family dwelling to existing building per Article 69-30-1. To amend ERT928735.
Case: BOA-1012933 Address: 91 Green Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Timothy Burke Article(s): 80(80-80E-2) 55(55-9: Add’l lot area insufficient, Floor area ratio excessive, Side yard insufficient, Rear yard insufficient & Usable open space insufficient) Purpose: Construct an addition on the rear of the existing house to create an additional dwelling unit and a garage.
Case: BOA-1047749 Address: 3 Larch Place Ward: 19 Applicant: Peter Bartash Article(s): 55(55-12) Purpose: Seeking to erect a rear addition, also to renovate the property. City of Boston Board of Appeal
Case: BOA-1037157 Address: 84 Southbourne Road Ward: 19 Applicant: Lance Davis Article(s): 55(55-9: Lot Width requirement is insufficient & Side yard setback requirement is insufficient) Purpose: Small single level addition added to rear of single family home. All new construction to house a new kitchen.
Case: BOA-1049363 Address: 6 Crosstown Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Agron Demaj Article(s): 18(18-1) Purpose: On existing single family erect 1 story rear addition 14 ft by 9 ft and at front entry door install 6 ft by 5 ft enclosed 3 season porch as per attached plans.
Case: BOA-1047078 Address: 47 Lasell Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Ruby Yau and Juan Sierra Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Create a second floor addition by raising a portion of the existing roof. Minor changes are to be constructed on the first floor in preparation for a stair between the first and new second floor. Building footprint will not change.
Case: BOA-1046617 Address: 282 Perham Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Steven Petitpas Article(s): 15(15-15-1) Purpose: Remove roof add 2nd floor including bedrooms and bathroom.
Case: BOA-1053371 Address: 160 Russett Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Tomasz Adach Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Enclose 1st floor porch and add a sunroom to 2nd floor above it.
Case: BOA-1026666 Address: 30 Sturges Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Khalil Farhat Article(s): 9(9-1) 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Expand living space in the back of the house where a screened porch currently exists and expand/renovate kitchen. Add bedroom on second level of addition.
Case: BOA-1029344 Address: 56 Green Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda Article(s): 62(62-25) 62(62-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Add rear dormer, rebuild existing 2nd floor deck, interior renovation, add full sprinkler system. City of Boston Board of Appeal
Case: BOA-1029342 Address:16 Hill Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-1) 43(43-9.4) Purpose: Touching exterior roofline to enlarge front + rear dormers. Interior remodel of 1st fl kitchen/living & 3rd fl master bedroom suite. Structural header above 1st fl to widen existing openings. Structural header at 3rd floor to remove existing chimney below 3rd fl.
Case: BOA-1034626 Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development Article(s): 64(64-9.4) Purpose: Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit.
Case: BOA#1034625 Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development Purpose:Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit #2. Section 9th 780 CMR 1011 Stairways. 1011.3 Headroom. Stairways shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 80 inches.
Case: BOA1048227 Address: 444 West Fourth Ward: 6 Applicant: Ian Feeney Article(s): 18(18-1) Purpose: Frame shed dormer on front of house.
Case: BOA-1050562 Address: 13 Mills Street Ward: 12 Applicant: Jimmy McNeil Article(s): 9(9-1) 50(50-29: Side yard setback is insufficient & Rear yard setback is insufficient) Purpose: Install deck on top of roof and deck on top of garage. Install 1 sliding door.
Case: BOA-1043218 Address: 58 Rockne Avenue Ward: 16 Applicant: Matthew Murphy Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-20-8) Purpose: Construct 1 story bathroom addition. ZBA required.
Case: BOA-1036733 Address: 37 Melville Avenue Ward: 17 Applicant: Timothy Sheehan Article(s): 9(9-1) Purpose: New Addition to kitchen one story high Remodel three bathrooms two kitchens two stair cases and new entrance to third floor apartment And new decks back and side.
Case: BOA-1043432 Address: 28 Roslin Street Ward: 17 Applicant: Laurie Fisher Article(s): 19(19-1) Purpose: Use of premises for 2 parking spaces.
Case: BOA-1046572 Address: 11-13 Halifax Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Ashley Rao Article(s): 55(55-9: Floor area ratio is excessive & Height is excessive (2 1/2 stories max, allowed)) Purpose: Interior and exterior renovation of attic with dormers and new exterior windows. City of Boston Board of Appeal
Case: BOA-1027608 Address: 20-22 Bradfield Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Eric Falcon Article(s): 10(10-1) 67(67-32: Off-street parking location & Off-street parking design) Purpose: Adding a 2 Car parking space in Front Yard. Removing existing landscaping.
Case: BOA-1029197 Address: 96 Chesbrough Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Ivan Hernandez Article(s): 56(56-8: Front yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Construct new mudroom, front porch and second story addition to existing single-family dwelling.
Case: BOA-1027233 Address: 38 Linnet Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Andrew marsh & Gina Marsh Article(s): 56(56-8) Purpose: Attic conversion to master bedroom and bath. All new electrical, plumbing, insulation, board and plaster, hardwoods, tile. We will remove all construction debris with a dumpster in owners driveway.
Case: BOA-1029202 Address: 150 Sanborn Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Ivan Hernandez Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Demo existing right side mudroom and reconstruct larger as per plans. Construct new rear deck per plans. Renovate basement, first and second floors per plan.
Case: BOA-1023357 Address: 14 Thurlow Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Christopher and Nicole Farnsworth Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Add new second story and new attic to existing 1.5 story house on existing house footprint; reconfigure interior per plans; no change to existing footprint or setbacks, no change in existing single family occupancy.