Boston Fair Housing Commission remote monthly meeting
The Boston Fair Housing Commission will be holding a monthly meeting remotely on June 24 at 10 a.m.
Zoom Video Conference: Meeting ID and Password provided upon request
**This meeting will be held via video conference due to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency**
NOTE: Members of the public are welcome to listen in on this meeting but are not allowed to participate. Please MUTE your devices for the duration of the video conference.
For meeting access information, please call 617-635-2500.
Discussion Topics
- Meeting Called to Order / Opening Remarks:
- Executive Report: Overview and Updates:
- Operations and Staffing Updates
- Updates re: COVID-19 and Public Health Emergency impacts
- Investigations and Enforcement:
- Engagement and Outreach:
- Program Updates
- Commission Decision:
- N/A
- Commission Vote on Hearing Order:
- N/A
- Confirm Future Meeting Dates & Closing: