Boston Groundwater Trust meeting
The Boston Groundwater Trust Trustees Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 4 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 815 6166 9184
Password: 817345
OR call +1-646-876-9923
Discussion Topics
1. Adoption of Minutes and Executive Session notes
from May 14th Meeting: 05 VOTE REQUIRED
2. Financial Report:05
3. Annual SEP-IRA Contribution - :05 VOTE REQUIRED
4. Update on Development of BGwT Operating Manual: 05
5. Remote monitoring proposal update: 15
6. Discussion on creation of the Trust and relationship with the City: 20
7. Executive Director’s Report: 10
8. Other Business: 10
Should you have any questions, please contact Christian Simonelli, Executive Director, at