City Council Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice hearing on Dockets #0664, #1108, #1184, #1186, #1266, #1403, #1454, #1586, #1587, #1664, and #1665
A hearing regarding various grants. The chair of the committee is Councilor McCarthy. The sponsor of the dockets is the Mayor.
Discussion Topics
Docket #0664
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($850,000.00) in the form of a grant, FY19 Boston Regional Intelligence Center Allocation, awarded by MA Executive Office Of Public Safety & Security to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund upgrading, expanding, and integrating technology and protocols related to anti-terrorism, anti-crime, anti-gang, and emergency response.
Docket #1108
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District (BID) Public/Private Safety Initiative awarded by Donor Group to be administered by the Police Department. The grant would fund the purchase and installation of video cameras and related monitoring equipment, bicycle gear and related equipment to enhance the visibility of community police officers and unmarked vehicles for use in the Downtown business area, in an amount not to exceed $450,000.00. This equipment will assist BPD with enhancing public safety and improving the quality of life in the downtown area.
Docket #1184
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Ninety Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars and Seventy-Seven Cents ($493,128.77) in the form of a grant, for the FY20 State 911 Training Grant, awarded by MA Executive Office of Public Safety & Security to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund the training and certification of Enhanced 911 telecommunications staff.
Docket #1186
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars ($103,413.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY20 Co-Respond Grant, awarded by MA Department of Mental Health to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund a full-time Master's-level Mental Health Clinician to co-respond with officers in Police Districts B-2 and B-3, and a part-time Certified Peer Specialist.
Docket #1266
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Three Million Three Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($3,328,317.00) in the form of a grant for the FY20 Public Safety Answering Point, awarded by the Executive Office of Public Safety & Security to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund costs associated with providing Enhanced 911 services.
Docket #1403
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($2,160,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY20 and FY21 Safe and Successful Youth Initiative awarded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund a comprehensive, interagency strategy that connects law enforcement, employment, education, public health, and youth development agencies to reduce youth violence in the Commonwealth.
Docket #1454
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($248,500.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY2019 DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction Program, awarded by National Institute of Justice to be administered by the Police Department. The grant would fund two Criminalist positions, overtime, lab supplies, and continuing education expenses.
Docket #1586
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirteen Million Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($13,520,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Urban Area Security Initiative FFY2019, awarded by the United States Department of Homeland Security, passed through the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, to be administered by the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management. The grant will fund the continued support of unique planning, exercises, trainings and operational needs that will assist in building enhanced and sustainable security capacities to help prevent, respond to and recover from threat of acts of terrorism, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incidents.
Docket #1587
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Four Hundred Six Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,406,550.00) in the form of a grant, for the FFY19 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program, awarded by the United States Department of Homeland Security, to be administered by the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management. The grant will fund comprehensive planning for housing needs following a disaster in the Boston region covered by this grant.
Docket #1664
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Two Dollars ($413,472.00) in the form of a grant for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Justice to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund 3 Domestic Violence Advocates assigned to police districts, a Management Analyst at the Family Justice Center, and a Technology Coordinator for multiple data collection, reporting and records management system.
Docket #1665
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Two Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($402,785.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY19 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Justice to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund a Domestic Violence Management Analyst at the Family Justice Center, A Hub n COR Coordinator, overtime for specialist Units, and a Technology Coordinator for multiple data collection, reporting, and records management systems.
These matters were sponsored by Mayor Martin J. Walsh, and referred to the Committee on April 24 (Docket #0664), July 31 (Docket #1108), August 21 (Dockets #1184 #1186), September 11 (Docket #1266), October 2 (Docket #1403), October 23 (Docket #1454), November 20 (Dockets #1586 #1587), and December 4, 2019 (Dockets #1664 #1665).
NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees of the City Council consisting of both voting and non-voting members. However, members attending this duly posted meeting are participating and deliberating only in conjunction with the business of the standing committee.
Public Testimony
Members of the public are cordially invited to attend and testify. If you have not testified at a Council hearing before, please arrive five (5) minutes before the call of the hearing to sign up and become familiar with the hearing format, testimony locations, and sound system. Please bring fifteen (15) copies of any written documentation you wish to present at the hearing.
Written comments may be made part of the record and available to all Councilors by sending them by email, fax or mail to arrive before the hearing. Please use the information below.
Mail Address: Dockets #0664 #1108 #1184 #1186 #1266 #1403 #1454 #1586 #1587 #1664 #1665, City Council, City Hall, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02201
Fax Number: 617-635-4203 Attn: Michelle A. Goldberg, Dockets #0664 #1108 #1184 #1186 #1266 #1403 #1454 #1586 #1587 #1664 #1665
Committee Email:
Staff Email: Staff Telephone: 617-635-4645
Broadcast Live on Comcast 8/RCN 82/Verizon 1964 or streamed at: