MassHire Boston Workforce Board meeting
The MassHire Boston Workforce Board will meet on June 26 at 9 a.m.
Discussion Topics
Welcome and introductions (15 minutes)
- Approval of April 24, 2019 minutes
-Finance report
Governance (15 minutes)
Vote: To elect PIC Board of Directors and delegate nonprofit governance authority
Vote: To elect PIC Officers – Chair, President, Treasurer, and Clerk
Vote: To delegate Workforce Development Board authority to the PIC Board of Directors, as necessary between meetings of the full Workforce Board
WIOA Priority of Service (15 minutes)
Vote: To expand Boston priority of service in accord with WIOA sec.134 (c) (3) (E) by lifting the Boston restriction requiring that all priority customers be verified as low-income.
Vote: To establish a local priority (10%) for individual and family income of 257% of Federal Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels
FY 20 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act distribution (30 minutes)
-Fiscal agent and board activities
Vote: To set aside 19.5% of the total WIOA FY 2020 allocation for fiscal agent and board activities ($651,022), while maintaining a 70/30 split between the two organizations (OWD and PIC)
-Equalizing low-income adult and dislocated worker program funding
Vote: To transfer $169,631 from adult low-income to dislocated worker funds to achieve a 50/50 split between them
-Dividing adult program funding between training (ITAs) and career center services
Vote: To establish a split of the low income and dislocated worker funding with 50% allocated for career center services ($742,286), 48.3% for ITAs ($717,286), and 1.7% ($25,000) for the industry sector and career pathway work as required of workforce board under WIOA)
-Wagner-Peyser funding
Vote: to allocate $225,000 from our Wagner-Peyser funds (1) to continue to level fund the two existing Access Points at $100,000 each and (2) to assign $25,000 for the industry sector and career pathway work
-Dividing WIOA funding between the two career centers
Vote: to establish a 53/47 split between MassHire Downtown Boston Career Center and MassHire Boston Career Center for all core funding
-Youth programs
Vote: To approve the Youth Council’s FY 20 funding recommendations. Specifically to fund nine programs across total eight organizations – four alternative education programs, four employment programs, and one postsecondary job training program.
- V. Executive Director’s Report (as time allows)