Boston Landmarks Commission meeting
The Commission will hold its monthly Design Review Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit after 5:30 p.m.)
Discussion Topics
Design Review - 4:00pm
20.734.166 81 Paine Furniture Building, 81 Arlington Street: Installation of one cast aluminum plaque at Arlington Street entrance.
20.723.105 National Shawmut Bank Building, 70-84 Devonshire Place: Installation of two curved brass signs at Water Street entrance.
20.667.147 Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, 138 St. James Avenue: Replace 29 existing lighting fixtures at the exterior second story level of the building with LED color changing fixtures.
20.725.28 Boston Young Men's Christian Union Building, 48 Boylston Street: Installation of exterior signage including: two blade signs at Boylston Street façade; and two awnings and a blade sign at the east elevation of the building along Marty’s Way.WITHDRAWN BY STAFF20.720.114 Ames Building, 1 Court Street: Installation of exterior signage including: four flags on Court Street; replacing “Ames Hotel” lettering above Court Street entrance; and replacement of awning fabric and addition of vinyl graphic at glass railing adjacent to Washington Mall.
20.404.26 Federal Reserve Bank (Langham Hotel), 250 Franklin Street: Install accessible ramp at Pearl Street entrance.
20.724.122 First Church Roxbury, John Eliot Square: Installation of a contemplative garden that includes an accessible walking path, gathering space, seating area, fountain, acoustic fence and shed.
20.721.224.07 Boston City Hall, 1 City Hall Square: Renovation of Plaza; renovation of the North entry including enlarged lobby and vestibule area; and renovation of Main entry to include accessible ramps to fourth floor terrace and Main entry, and speaker’s area.
20.628.224.07 Boston City Hall, 1 City Hall Square: Removal existing handicap chair lift at Third Floor Lobby and installation of Ascension chair lift.WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT -
Administrative Review/Approval
20.628.224.07 Boston City Hall, 1 City Hall Square: Replace existing sign insert at bottom of Congress Street stairs.
20.713.241.11 Museum of Fine Arts, 465-475 Huntington Avenue: Replacement of skylight at Behrakis Wing for the Art of the Ancient World.
20.581 SB 145 St. Botolph Street: At side elevation replace six second story one-over-one wood windows in-kind.
20.600 SB 243 West Newton Street: At roof replace roof deck decking and rubber membrane roof in-kind.
Business Hearing - 6:00PM
Discussion and Vote on Design Review Applications: The Design Review Committee will present summaries of applications and make recommendations for a vote on each agenda item discussed at the Design Review Hearing, which met earlier in the evening in the same location.
Demolition Delay Hearing: 115 Gove Street, East Boston, Application 20.438D2570: Review of proposed demolition of the existing structure at 115 Gove Street, East Boston, 02128.
Demolition Delay Hearing: 128-134 Gove Street, East Boston, Application 20.439D2571: Review of proposed demolition of the existing structure at 128-134 Gove Street, East Boston, 02128.
Review and Ratification of hearing minutes from 1/14/2020.
BLC vote on survey rating upgrade Stanhope Stables.
Discussion regarding MBTA State Street changes to granite paving slabs.
- Projected Adjournment - 8:00pm