South End Landmark District Commission
The South End Landmark District Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at 5:30 p.m.
Please use the Congress Street entrance to enter and exit City Hall after 5:30 p.m.
Discussion Topics
Design Review Hearing
APP # 20.662 SE 23 Upton Street. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck and head house. See additional items under Administrative Review.Withdrawn by applicant.APP # 20.739 SE 87 Worcester Street: Proposed Work: At the front façade parlor level replace two (2) historic two-over-two, double-hung, curved sash windowsWithdrawn by staff.APP # 20.785 SE 156 Worcester Street. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck with spiral staircase
APP # 20.809 SE 565 Tremont Street. Proposed Work: At the front façade storefront install a wall sign and new vinyl signage.
APP # 20.817 SE 51 Rutland Square. Proposed Work: Install a railing at the front façade mansard level (which was modified prior to designation).
APP # 20.743 SE 64 West Rutland Square. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck, modify the mansard, and construct a rear addition through the cornice line. See additional items under Administrative Review.
APP # 20.418 SE 34 Clarendon Street. Proposed Work: At the front façade parlor through mansard levels, replace seven (7) six-over-six, double-hung wood windows in kind.
Advisory Review
115 Worcester Street Proposed Work: Construct a new building
Administrative Review/ Approval
APP # 20.826 SE 70 Appleton Street: At the rear façade mansard level, replace slate shingles in kind and install new copper gutter.
APP # 20.749 SE 26 Chandler Street: At the Chandler Street façade ground level, replace double entry doors in kind.Withdrawn by staff.APP # 20.810 SE 24 Holyoke Street: At the front façade all levels, repair cracking around windows and elsewhere as needed and repaint patched areas to match existing painted sandstone.
APP # 20.817 SE 51 Rutland Square #2: At the front façade mansard level (which was modified prior to designation), replace a sliding glass door. See additional items under Design Review.
APP #20.754 SE 540 Tremont Street: At the second level of the Tremont Street and Hansen Street facades, replace sixteen (16) one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum windows in kind.
APP # 20.814 SE 557 Tremont Street: At the signband of the Tremont Street and Clarendon Street ground level storefront and ATM entrance, replace four (4) wall-mounted non-illuminated signs to reflect updated corporate branding.
APP # 20.779 SE 771 Tremont Street: Install a gate at the areaway to match existing fence.
APP # 20.780 SE 59 Rutland Street: At the front façade roof and dormer level, replace asphalt shingles in kind, repair wood trim, and install copper drip edges; at the front façade, repair and repaint lintels and sills to match the color of the underlying stone; and repair and replace copper gutters and downspout in kind.
APP # 20.662 SE 23 Upton Street: At the parlor and second levels of the front façade, restore six (6) original two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows (including four (4) curved sash windows); at the basement level replace two (2) two-over-two, double-hung, curved sashed wood windows in kind; at the third level replace three (3) one-over-one, double-hung wood windows with two-over-two, double-hung wood windows; at the mansard level replace two (2) two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows and two (2) one-over-one, double-hung wood windows in kind. See additional items under Design Review.Withdrawn by applicantAPP # 20.750 SE 227, 229, 231, 233 West Canton Street: At the mansard level, replace asphalt shingles with slate shingles and replace wood fascia in kind.
APP # 20.743 SE 64 West Rutland Square: At the front façade basement, parlor, second, and third levels, restore all existing two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows (including eight (8) curved sash); At the front façade mansard level, install one (1) two-over-two and two (2) one-over-one, double-hung, wood windows; at the front façade, repoint brick joints, and restore brownstone sills and lintels, stoop; and refinish entry doors. See additional items under Design Review.
APP # 20.813 SE 76 West Rutland Square #401: At the front façade fourth level, replace four (4) one-over-one wood windows in kind.
APP # 20.182 SE 76 West Rutland Square #502: At the front façade fifth level, replace eight (8) one-over-one, wood windows in kind.
APP # 20.806 SE 81 Worcester Street: At the front façade all levels, repoint brick joints; repair and patch lintels and sills and repaint to match the color of the underlying stone.
- Ratification of 1/7/2020 and 2/4/2020 Public Hearing Minutes and 2/26/2020 Subcommittee Public Meeting Minutes
- Staff Updates
- Adjournment