Committee on Housing and Community Development Hearing on Dockets #0628-0632,0634-0635
Various grants to fund housing, human services, economic development, fair housing - programs and services.
Discussion Topics
Dockets #0628-0632,0634-0635
Docket #0628 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seventeen Million Four Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars ($17,437,636.00) in the form of a grant, the Federal FY20 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund housing, economic development, fair housing, and human services programs.
Docket #0629 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Ten Million Two Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($10,257,948.00) in the form of a grant from the CDBG20-Cares, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund programs to help alleviate housing and economic crisis conditions caused by COVID-19.
Docket #0630 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Five Million Eight Hundred Seventy-One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Four Dollars ($5,871,574.00) in the form of a grant, for the Federal FY20 HOME Investment Partnerships, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant will fund housing services.
Docket #0631 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Five Million One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Two Hundred Ten Dollars ($5,195,210.00) in the form of a grant, the FY20 Emergency Solutions Grant-COVID-19 Supplement, awarded by the United Stated Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund special activities to prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance.
Docket #0632 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Three Million Eighty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Seven Dollars ($3,089,167.00) in the form of a grant, the Federal FY20 Housing for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund rental assistance and supportive services for persons with HIV/AIDS.
Docket #0634 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Five Hundred Six Hundred Eleven Dollars ($1,506,611.00) in the form of a grant, the Federal FY20 Emergency Solutions Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund housing programs and services.
Docket #0635 – Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars ($449,562.00) in the form of a grant, HOPWA20-CARES, awarded by the United Stated Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund the Housing for Person with AIDS programs to address the impact of COVID-19.
These matters are sponsored by the Mayor were referred to the Committee on Housing and Community Development on April 15, 2020.
NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees of the City Council consisting of both voting and non-voting members. However, members attending this duly posted meeting are participating and deliberating only in conjunction with the business of the standing committee.
Public Testimony
Written testimony may be sent to the Committee or staff emails (below) and will be made part of the record and available to all Councilors. Members of the public are cordially invited to view and testify via Zoom Meeting. Please email for the Zoom link. A comprehensive list of ways to view and participate in this hearing will be posted on line prior to the start of the hearing
Committee Liaison: Juan Lopez
Mail Address: Boston City Council, One City Hall Plaza, Boston, MA 02201
Fax Number: 617-635-4203 – Attn: Dockets #0628-0632, 0634-0635