Licensed Premise Inspectional hearing
The Board will hold a virtual hearing on July 28 at 10 a.m.
- Meeting ID: 880 3731 8331
- Password: 340835
- Dial in option: 646-876-9923
Discussion Topics
Licensed Premise Inspectional lHearing
- Licensee: Tom English’s Cottage, Inc.
- Licensed Premise: 112 Emerson Street, Boston, MA 02127
- Manager: Thomas English
- License: CV7AL License LB-99065
You are hereby notified the Licensing Board for the City of Boston (the “Board”) will conduct a virtual hearing on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 10 a.m. to determine whether the following alleged incident warrants disciplinary action by the Board including, but not limited to, the suspension or revocation of the License:
Date: 3/21/20: Incident # 023826: Service of alcohol during prohibition of on-premise consumption pursuant to Governor Charles Baker’s Executive Order and the Board’s advisory dated March 23, 2020. Copies of all relevant reports and notices are attached hereto.
The Licensee has the right to legal assistance of counsel.
Testimony/witnesses: All persons noticed may bring witnesses with first-hand knowledge of the alleged incident(s) to testify before the Board at the hearing. Documents, affidavits, and other statements may be submitted prior to or at the hearing via email to and will be incorporated into the record. The Board gives equal weight to all testimony received whether written or via virtual testimony.
Continuances: Any request for a continuance must be made in writing to the Board and will be granted at the Board’s sole discretion.
Transcription: All hearings are recorded but not transcribed. The recording of the hearing will be posted to the Board’s website within twenty-four (24) hours of the hearing.
This hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. ch. 30 s. 20, M.G.L. ch. 140 s. 22 and s. 30, the Board’s Rules and Regulations, and Governor Charles Baker’s executive order (the “Order”) issued March 22, 2020, temporarily modifying certain requirements of the Open Meeting Law (M.G.L. ch. 30A s. 20) due to the ongoing public health crisis due to Covid-19 (coronavirus).
Please contact the Board at 617-635-4170 or with any questions.