Boston Cultural Council
UPDATE: This meeting will be held virtually only and NOT in person. You can participate in the meeting by going to the Zoom meeting link and using your computer's audio and microphone.
If you are unable to connect to audio or you do not have internet, you can call into the meeting by dialing 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting I.D. 246 3301 30#.
Discussion Topics
Join meeting
6:00-6:05 PM
6:05 - 7:30 PM
- Covid-19 Fund Update
- NEA $250k?
- Questions to consider
- Should we shift last year's Application questions?
- Not requiring applicants to have a 501 c(3) status?
7:30 pm
- Communications
- 2020-2021 BCC grant cycle
- Timeline 2020
- Target audience
- Past Grantees that are already vendors
- Black owned or black led vendors/non yet vendors
- Communications
8:00 - Adjournment