Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, August 20, 2020, at 5 p.m.
ATTENTION: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by joining the meeting online, or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting id #875 3666 0932. You can also submit written comments or questions to or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks
Discussion Topics
Executive Session
Litigation discussion (CellCo Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless v. Beacon Hill Architectural Commission).
APP # 21.0099 BH 4 Otis Place
Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved front stair changes, penthouse window fenestrations, penthouse height & slope and penthouse cladding. -
APP # 21.0100 BH 7 Mount Vernon Place
Proposed Work: repaint front door BM black 2132-10; repaint surround black based on new historic evidence. Install keypad at front and rear entryways.APP # 19.1278 BH 37-41 Bowdoin Street (Remanded to Commission for reconsideration Per Order of US District Court for District of Massachusetts)
Proposed Work: Installation of cell phone antennas visible from Bowdoin Street.
APP # 21.0101 BH 116 Charles Street
Proposed Work: At front façade, install piping to several windows.
APP # 21.0102 BH 107 Myrtle Street
Proposed Work: Replace head house bead board siding with black vertical panel siding.
APP # 21.0104 BH 30 Hancock Street
Proposed Work: Installation of 3 HVAC condensers at the rear of the structure.
APP # 21.0105 BH* 87 Mount Vernon Street
Proposed Work: In kind replacement of two existing door/windows on carriage house. -
Administrative Review
APP # 21.0103 BH 25 Charles Street: Install new, true divided light windows in floors 2 through 5. (double hung and replacement) double hung windows will be 6 over 6 wood, repairs to window sills and lintels in kind, repairs to existing shutters, replacement of missing elements, replace skylight, replace three fire escape doors, new mechanical equipment and shield at rooftop,Repair slate roof, repaint ornamental metal, window trim, and metal flashing in kind, masonry repointing, replace stone sills and lintels in kind.
APP # 21.0106 BH 23 Brimmer Street: At third level, front, replace 2 2 over 2 wood windows with three, 2 over 2 wood windows.
APP # 21.0107 BH 60 Chestnut Street: Scrape, repaint front door and surround in kind.
APP # 21.0109 BH 41 Phillips Street: Replace wood trim surrounding 16 dormers in kind. Install new copper pan flashing in kind. Repaint to its original color.
APP # 21.0110 BH 2 River Street Place: At level 1 restore two 2 over 1 wood windows and one 6 over 3, wood window, at level two, restore two, 6 over 6, wood windows, at level three restore two, six over six wood windows, two 6 over 6 wood windows.
APP # 21.0111 BH 119 Tremont Street: Repair Mayflower pulpit by replace deteriorated metal plates and supports in kind.
APP # 21.0112 BH 100 Pinckney Street: At front façade, repaint the front stoop and painting/repairing a wooden deck wall. Colors are in kind: BM Fairview Taupe for the stoop & BM Audubon Russet for the deck wall.
APP # 21.0113 BH 30 Mount Vernon Street: At roof level, install 60 feet of snow guards
APP # 21.0114 BH 112 Mount Vernon Street: At front and rear façade, restore seven wood historic 6 over 1 window. Replace second floor bath and master 1 over 1 windows with 6 over 6 windows.
APP # 21.0115 BH 25 West Cedar Street: repaint levels 1, 2, and 3 windows and shutters in kind. Repaint front door and trim in kind, alley door, boot scraper, Balcony, basement grate, garden rail, and front handrail in kind.
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