Air Pollution Control Commission hearing
The Air Pollution Control Commission will hold a virtual hearing on September 16 at 11:30 a.m.
ATTENTION: This meeting may only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in this meeting joining our Zoom meeting online, or calling 929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID 686 458 2044 #. You can also submit written questions or comments by email at or via Twitter @BostonEnviro.
Discussion Topics
Application for a Modified East Boston Parking Freeze Permit
from VHB on behalf of Cargo Ventures LLC for 575 park and fly spaces. This permit is to relocate spaces from a surface lot at 320 McClellan Highway to a new parking garage at 440 McClellan Highway. Modification of the permit would have no effect on the East Boston parking freeze bank.
Application for a Modified East Boston Parking Freeze Permit
from VHB on behalf of Cargo Ventures LLC for 127 park and fly spaces. This permit is to relocate spaces from a surface lot at 380 McClellan Highway to a new parking garage at 440 McClellan Highway. Modification of the permit would have no effect on the East Boston parking freeze bank.
Application for a Modified Downtown Boston Parking Freeze Permit
from JLL on behalf of One Post Office Square LLC for 82 commercial parking spaces and 153 exempt parking spaces located at 1 Post Office Square. This permit is for the reconstruction of an aboveground parking garage with spaces to be shared between lessees, employees, patrons, customers, clients, and guests of the project, and the general public. Modification of the permit would have no effect on the Downtown Boston parking freeze bank. * Continued from the June 17, 2020 hearing.
Application for a New Downtown Boston Parking Freeze Permit
from The Druker Company Ltd on behalf of Arlington-Boylston Realty Trust for 150 exempt parking spaces located at 350 Boylston St. This permit is for the construction of an underground parking garage with spaces to be shared with lessees, employees, patrons, customers, clients, and guests of the project. Issuance of the permit would have no effect on the Downtown parking freeze bank.
Update & Discussion
Update & Discussion on the status and results of the Downtown Parking Freeze Inventory Update.
Discussion regarding the status of the South Boston, East Boston and Downtown Parking Freeze.
Discussion & Vote
Discussion & Vote on the proposed revisions to the Procedures and Criteria for the Issuance of Parking Freeze Permits for the South Boston, East Boston and Downtown Parking Freeze. *Continued from the March 18, 2020 hearing.
Update & Discussion
Update & Discussion regarding the Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) and Energy Action and Assessment.
Acceptance of Meeting Minutes
Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from March 18, 2020 and June 17, 2020.
Language Access
Translation and sign language interpreters are available upon prior request. If you are in need of language accommodation, please contact by Monday, September 14. The Commission may hold a public meeting immediately following the last hearing or as appropriate following any hearing. To obtain a copy of an application, please email or call 617-635-3850.