Boston Civic Design Commission meeting
The Boston Civic Design Commission will hold a meeting on September 1 at 5:15 p.m.
To ensure the safety of the public, staff members, and BCDC Commissioners during COVID-19 there will be no meeting at City Hall. Please register for the virtual meeting online, or call in to 669-254-5252
Meeting ID: 160 577 7556
Discussion Topics
5:15 – 5:16 Call to Order
5:16 – 5:18 Approval of the August 4, 2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Approval of August 18, 2020 Design Committee Minutes -
Report from Review Committee
Summary report on projects followed by vote to review later in the meeting
5:18 – 5:20 1500 Soldiers Field Road, Brighton
780 Morrissey Boulevard, Dorchester
244-284 A Street, South Boston Waterfront -
Presentation to the Commission (25 minutes each)
Informational presentation preceded by a short introduction from Boston Planning & Development Agency staff
5:20 – 5:45 1500 Soldiers Field Road, Brighton
Proposed residential development
5:45 – 6:10 780 Morrissey Boulevard, Dorchester
Proposed residential development
6:10 – 6:35 244-284 A Street, South Boston Waterfront
Mixed-used development of lab, office, and residential