Back Bay Architectural Commission
The Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, at 4:30 p.m.
Please note: This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom Meeting link, or call 929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID 865 5160 6937 #. You can also email comments through email at, or Twitter @bostonlandmarks.
Discussion Topics
Violations Committee Public Meeting
329 Commonwealth Avenue: Unapproved installation of HVAC units at rear deck and on top of penthouse roof.
Design Review
21.0157 BB 15 Arlington Street: Replace four chimney stacks above level 17 at top of building.
21.0161 BB 79 Newbury Street: At front façade redesign stairs and dig-out area at lower retail space.
21.0162 BB 252 Newbury Street: At front façade construct bump-out.WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT21.0163 BB 292 Newbury Street: At rear elevation convert window into door.
21.0159 BB 28 Exeter Street: Construct rooftop addition.
21.0165 BB 137 Beacon Street: At front yard install temporary exhibit panels.
21.0160 BB 53 Marlborough Street & 300 Berkeley Street: Replace two windows in courtyard, remove one window and door at courtyard and infill openings with masonry, install rooftop HVAC unit at one-story addition, remove HVAC unit at courtyard, install HVAC units at roof of 300 Berkeley Street, and replace handrail at entrance of 53 Marlborough Street.WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT21.0019 BB 15 Commonwealth Avenue: At rear elevation construct garden wall and re-landscape rear yard.
21.0155 BB 341 Commonwealth Avenue: Replace 31 windows.MOVED TO ADMINISTARTIVE REVIEW21.0158 BB 341 Commonwealth Avenue: Construct roof deck.
21.0164 BB 129 Commonwealth Avenue: Construct one-story rear addition and re-landscape rear yard.
Administrative Review/Approval
21.0166 BB 107 Beacon Street: At front facade Mansard roof replace slate, gutters, and wood trim in-kind.
21.0168 BB 259 Beacon Street: At front façade clean masonry.
21.0169 BB 282 Beacon Street: Re-point and repair masonry.
21.0167 BB 291 Beacon Street: At front façade replace deteriorate roof slate and repair masonry.
21.0170 BB 450 Beacon Street: At roof replace black rubber membrane roofing in-kind.
21.0173 BB 488 Beacon Street: At roof install HVAC unit.
21.0155 BB 341 Commonwealth Avenue: Replace 31 windows in-kind.
21.0172 BB 349 Beacon Street: At rear elevation replace two second-story one-over-one non-historic wood windows in-kind.
21.0171 BB 69 Newbury Street: At rear elevation repoint and repair masonry and replace wood trim in-kind.
21.0183 BB 156 Newbury Street: At front façade replace window signage.
- Ratification of 8/12/2020 Public Hearing Minutes
- Staff Updates
- Projected Adjournment - 8:00pm