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St. Botolph Architectural Conservation District Commission

The St. Botolph Architectural Conservation District Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

ATTENTION This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our online meeting linkor calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering id 813 8049 7241. You can also submit written comments or questions to or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review

    APP # 21.0185 SB 70 St. Botolph Street Proposed Work: Replace windows, re-point the façade and make changes to commercial level. Install mechanical screening.

  2. Administrative Review

    APP # 21.0186 SB 3 DURHAM STREET: At front façade, replace two wood basement level lower wood sills in kind. At front and side façade, spot repoint brick. Replace brick foundation wall at ride side of garden in kind, reset and repoint existing granite curb at front façade.

    APP # 21.0187 SB 5 DURHAM STREET: At front façade, replace three, 1 over 1 aluminum windows in kind.

    APP # 21.0188 SB 45 ST BOTOLPH STREET: Replace Four, 1 over 1 aluminum windows in kind at garden level.

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