Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, September 17, 2020, at 5 p.m.
ATTENTION: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our meeting online, or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting id # 848 4417 8561. You can also submit written comments or questions to or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks
Discussion Topics
Design Review
APP # 20.0189 BH 40 Charles Street
Proposed Work: Install new storefront signage and window decals.
APP # 20.0190 BH 88 Mount Vernon Street
Proposed Work: Replace four, 6 over 6, wood windows and two, 4 over 4 wood windows, for a total of five windows in unit 22 facing Willow Street, with new wood windows with the same pane configuration. Remove existing storm windows on these windows.
APP # 20.0191BH 89 West Cedar Street(Removed By Staff, Work is Exempt)
Proposed Work: Replace existing roof deck in the same dimensions. The roof deck is being removed in order to repair the roof.
APP # 20.0192 BH 66 Chestnut Street*
Proposed Work: At rear el, visible from Branch Street, Replace four, 4 over 4, wood windows, three, 6 over 6, wood windows, three, 1 over 1, wood windows, one, 10 over 10 wood window.
APP # 20.0194 BH 11 Irving Street
Proposed Work: Install security gate at entrance to front door. -
APP # 20.0195 BH 65 ANDERSON STREET: Repoint brownstone lintels and columns.
APP # 20.0196 BH 68 BEACON STREET: At side façade, remove brick in order to access internal plumbing. Once completed, rebuild brick wall using existing bricks and match mortar joints.
APP # 20.0197 BH 23 BRIMMER STREET #3: At front façade level 3, replace 2 non-historic 2 over 2 wood windows with like replacements. At rear façade level 3, replace 1, non-historic, 2 over 2, wood window with like replacements.
APP # 20.0198 BH 78 CHARLES STREET: At front façade repaint door and surround and windows to match existing BM HC-36 Hepple white Ivory.
APP # 20.0199 BH 30 CHESTNUT STREET: Rebuilt chimney in kind.
APP # 20.0193 BH 75 CHESTNUT STREET: At front and side façade level four, replace five, wood 6 over 6, wood windows with five, 6 over 6 wood, single hung windows.
APP # 20.0200 BH 82 CHESTNUT STREET At Chestnut Street side level three, replace non-historic 6 over 1 wood windows in kind and at Chestnut Street Façade, replace one 10 over 1 wood windows at Charles Street façade level four, replace five, wood, 6 over 6, wood windows with five, 6 over 6 wood, windows.
APP # 20.0201 BH 42-44 GARDEN STREET: Grind and repoint masonry in kind, spot repointing as necessary, rebuilding portion of brick wall on second level that is currently failing, replace one window sill in kind, replace window trim in kind, restore front entry lintel.
APP # 20.0202 BH 60 JOY STREET: At front façade masonry repointing, repair spalled brick. Repair deteriorated stone elements, sand and repair metal lintels in kind.
APP # 20.0203 BH 58 PINCKNEY STREET: At rear façade, level two replace non-original 24-light arched window and one center transom window in kind, at front façade level two, replace one, 6 over 6, non-historic, wood window in kind.
APP # 20.0203 BH 69 PINCKNEY STREET: At front façade level 4 and 5, replace 6 non-historic 2 over 2 wood windows with like replacements.
APP # 20.0204 BH 34 RIVER STREET: At front façade cut and repoint façade in kind.
APP # 20.0205 BH 41 SOUTH RUSSELL STREET: Repair or replace headers and sills, repoint brick to match existing.
Applicant: Jon Marcus
Proposed Work: Replace existing front door.