Zoning Board of Appeal hearing REVISED
The December 8, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex event platform.
Please be advised of the following appeals to be heard on December 8, 2020, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and related announcements.
All matters listed on this December 8, 2020, hearing agenda have been noticed in accordance with the enabling act. Please be advised of the following participation instructions:
The December 8, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex event platform.
Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by going to our online meeting or by calling 1-617-315-0704 and entering access code 179 697 5730.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please sign up online. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or BOA number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.
For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by signing up online, calling 617-635-4775 or emailing isdboardofappeal@boston.gov.
The ZBA Ambassador will be available within the WebEx Event from at 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM to answer questions about ZBA procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via WebEx. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the ZBA Ambassador at zba.ambassador@boston.gov.
If you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “raise hand” function, if connected by video, or dial *3, if connected by phone. The requester will be administratively unmuted and asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please log in to the hearing no later than 9 a.m. to ensure your connection is properly functioning.
The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website. Closed captioning is available.
Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to appear in person at City Hall, in the BPDA board room, 9th Floor, Room 900. Please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing isdboardofappeal@boston.gov for accommodations to be made. Individuals appearing at City Hall without an appointment will not be permitted to enter.
Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to isdboardofappeal@boston.gov in lieu of offering testimony online or from BPDA board room. It is strongly encouraged that written comments be submitted to the board at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.
Discussion Topics
Hearing minutes for July 7, 2020, July 14, 2020 and July 21, 2020
Case: BOA-787634 Address: 500-502A East Broadway Ward 6 Applicant: James Christopher
Case: BOA-832215 Address: 36 Spring Garden Street Ward 13 Applicant: James Christopher
Case: BOA#1129365 Address: 103 Warren Avenue Ward 4 Applicant: Alpine Advisory Services Purpose: Install roof deck as per plans as approved by the SELDC.Violation 9th 780 CMR 1011 Stairways 1011.12.2 Roof access. Where a stairway is provided to a roof, access to the roof shall be provided through a penthouse complying with Section 1510.2. Exception: In buildings without an occupied roof, access to the roof shall be permitted to be a roof hatch or trap door not less than 16 square feet in area and having a minimum dimension of 2 feet.
Case: BOA-1085883 Address: 197 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Applicant: JB Capital, LLC Articles: Article 53 Section 9 Lot Area for Additional Dwelling Units Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 53 Section 9 Building Height Excessive Article 53 Section 9 Building Height ( # of Stories ) Excessive Article 53 Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 53, Section 52 Roof Structure Restrictions Article 53, Section 56 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off Street Parking Insufficient Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Article 9 Section 1 Extension of Nonconforming Use Purpose: Rehab existing structure. Erect a vertical addition onto existing building. Change Occupancy to a Laundromat on the 1st floor and three (3) Residential Units above. Install a new Sprinkler system. E plan
Case: BOA- 1099054 Address: 95-97 Addison Street Ward 1 Applicant: Ashley Tan Articles: Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Article 53 Section 25 Use Regulations MFR is a forbidden use in the McClellan Highway EDA. Article 53 Section 56 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off street parking is insufficient. 24 Spaces required, 12 Provided. Art. 53, Section 26 Floor area ratio is excessive. Purpose: The Applicant proposes to demolish the existing one family detached dwelling and erect a new multi family dwelling structure with four (4) stories, twelve (12) units and twelve (12) parking spaces.
Case: BOA- 1130385 Address: 33-35 Maverick Square Ward 1 Applicant: Anthony Giacalone Articles: Article 53 Section 12 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 27S-5 IPOD Applicability Article 53 Section 56 Off-Street Parking & Loading Req Insufficient parking – Additional units Purpose: Change Occupancy from Laundromat with 4 residential units to retail/office with 5 residential units.
Case: BOA-1053851 Address: 92 Bennington Street Ward 1 Applicant: 231 Maverick St, LLC Articles: Article 53, Section 52 Roof Structure Restrictions Open roof deck shall be access by roof hatch Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Purpose: Build new roof deck, for the exclusive use of unit #3. Amendment to ALT966894.
Case: BOA- 1107041 Address: 1201 Saratoga Street Ward 1 Applicant: Ashley Tan Articles: Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Article 53 Section 8 Use Regulations 9 units/MFR Forbidden Article 53 Section 8 Use Regulations Accessory parking use Forbidden Article 53 Section 56 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Insufficient parking for requested # of units Article 53 Section 9 Excessive F.A.R. Article 53 Section 9 Height exceeded Article 53 Section 9# of allowed stories exceeded Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient front yard setback/street alignment Purpose: Current vacant structure to be razed and a new 9 unit multi family to be constructed, with 10 parking spaces.
Case: BOA- 1071304 Address: 22 Paris Street Ward 1 Applicant: 22 Paris Street, LLC Articles: Article 27T Section 9 IPOD Enforcement East Boston IPOD Applicability Article 53 Section 8 Use Regulations Use: Basement Apartment: Forbidden Article 53 Section 8 Use Regulations Use: Multifamily Dwelling: Forbidden Article 53 Section 9 Lot Area for Additional Dwelling Units Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 53 Section 9 Building Height Excessive Article 53 Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 53 Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 53, Section 52Roof Structure Restrictions Article 53, Section 56 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off Street Parking Insufficient Purpose: Seeking to change the occupancy of the existing Two Family Dwelling to a Four Family Dwelling. Also, to construct a new 3rd story and rear addition, new rear porches, a roof deck and renovate. Building will be fully sprinklered.
Case: BOA-1098399 Address: 41 Mount Vernon Street Ward 2 Applicant: George Morancy Articles: Article 62, Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient Article 62, Section 8 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 62, Section 25 Roof Structure Restrictions Purpose: Renovate existing three family dwelling (see ALT1019151), extend living space into basement, new second floor bay window, construct rear addition and deck at third floor level, erect roof deck.
Case: BOA-976349 Address: 19-21 Milk Street Ward 3 Applicant: John Moriarty Article: Article 38, Section 18 Use Regulations Cannabis Establishment (Medical and Adult Recreational) Use: Conditional Purpose: Change of Occupancy from "MEDICAL MARIJUANA USE" to "CANNABIS ESTABLISHMENT (MEDICAL AND ADULT RECREATION)". Minor interior finish upgrades as per plans. No change to egress or life safety systems.
Case: BOA- 1092298 Address: 120 Salem Street Ward 3 Applicant: 120 Salem Realty Trust Articles: Article 54, Section 12, Use Regulations Use: Residential Use located on the First Story: Conditional Article 54 Section 13 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 54, Section 21Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off Street Parking Insufficient Purpose: The current certificate of occupancy lists the property as having 8 Residential Units and 2 Commercial spaces. Certificate Number 27077. Change the Occupancy to 9 Residential Units and 1 Commercial space. See attached documents for more information.
Case: BOA- 1065617 Address: 230-238 Hanover Street Ward 3 Applicant: Gallo & Co. Articles: Article 6, Section 3A Add'l Cond in Restricted Parking District Article 54, Section 21 Off Street Parking & Loading Req inappropriate maneuverability and restricted parking district. Purpose: Off Street Parking for residential Vehicles (15) Vehicles Max.
Case: BOA-1107090 Address: 311-319 Summer Street Ward 6 Applicant: Suite Six, LLC Article: Art. 08 Sec.07 Use: Conditional Med spa clinic is a conditional use in this zoning sub district Purpose: We are filing new ALT ONLY to include a "Med Spa's clinic" as the occupancy use for this space. Please refer to the original ALT928908 for all costs and paperwork. See Marc Joseph for assistance. COO1088775.
Case: BOA-1118789 Address: 14-16 West Broadway Ward 6 Applicant: David Kelliher Articles: Art. 68 Sec. 07 Use Regs. Bank use is a conditional use in this zoning subdistrict Art. 68 Sec. 33 Off Street parking Req. Off street parking requirement is insufficient Purpose: Build out of existing shell space for new bank. Project includes: walls, ceilings, floors, millwork, relocate existing sprinkler heads, added fire alarm devices. The plumbing, electrical will be design build. HVAC will be done by the landlord under separate permit.
Case: BOA-1113813 Address: 200 L Street Ward 7 Applicant: George Morancy Articles: Article 68, Section 34.1 Conformity Ex Bldg Alignment Article 68, Section 29 Roof Structure Restrictions Article 68, Section 33 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Design and insufficient off street parking, total required 4 spaces, provided 2 Article 68, Section 8 Floor Area Ratio Excessive exceeding 1.5 Article 68, Section 8 Add'l Lot Area Insufficient total lot area required: 6,000 sqft Proposed: 2,465 sqft Article 68, Section 8 Usable Open Space Insufficient Required: 600 sqft Proposed: 0Article 68, Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient Required: 3' Proposed: 0 Article 68, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient Required: 20' Proposed: 0 Purpose: Change occupancy from two dwelling units and restaurant to three dwelling units; erect two story rear addition over existing garage, with rear porches off second and third floors; expand garage; extend living space to basement. Building to be fully sprinklered. [ZBA ePlan]
Case: BOA-1096726 Address: 83 Wyman Street Ward 10 Applicant: Nadin and Luca Pinello Article: Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: Renovation of attic, to accommodate an office and a family room. See drawing attached.
Case: BOA- 1049554 Address: 304 Centre Street Ward 10 Applicant: Adenil The Amantinos Restaurant Group Inc Article: Article 6 Section 4 Other Cond Necc as Protection Change to a Previous Decision of the Board of Appeal Purpose: Remove proviso from previous owner and change to new owner's name.
Case: BOA-1041086 Address: 24 Spalding Street Ward 11 Applicant: David Steeves Articles: Art. 08 Sec. 07 Use: Forbidden Three family residential dwelling unit is a forbidden use in the OS RC sub district zone Art. 55, Section 9 **Lot area for the add'l dwelling unit is insufficient Art. 55, Section 9 ** Floor area ratio is excessive Art. 55, Section 9 **Front yard setback requirement is insufficient Art. 55, 9 **Side yard setback requirement is insufficient Art. 55, Section 9 ** Height requirement is excessive (ft) Art. 55, Section 40 ** Off Street Parking Insufficient Off street parking requirements is insufficient Art. 55, Section 9 ** Rear yard setback requirement is insufficient Art. 55, Section 9 **Height requirement is excessive (3 story max. allowed, proposed is 31/2 stories ) Purpose: Erect building for Three family residence; one unit for affordable housing unit, one unit for owner occupied accessible unit, and one three bedroom unit .
Case: BOA-1131603 Address: 124-126 Warren Street Ward 12 Applicant: Jeremy Sears Articles: Article 50 Section 43 Off-Street Parking Insufficient Article 50 Section 28 Use Regulations Office use is conditional Article 50 Section 29 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Bldg Height Excessive (Feet) Article 50 Section 29 Front Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Side Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Build a new 4 story Office Building of Wood, Steel and Concret, on the vacant lots at 124 and 126 Warren Street. Combine two lots (Parcel 12 0079 and Parcel 12 0112) into one lot to be 5,188sf to be known as 124 126 Warren Street.
Case: BOA-1079364 Address: 6 Oakhurst Street Ward 14 Applicant: Cambiz Raufi Articles: Article 60, Section 9 Insufficient lot size Article 60, Section 9 Insufficient additional lot area per unit Article 60, Section 9 Excessive F.A.R. Article 60, Section 9 Insufficient open space Article 60, Section Insufficient front yard setback Article 60, Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback Article 60 Section 9 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 60, Section 40 Parking maneuverability Purpose: This application is for zoning relief for new 3 family units residential building.
BOA-1106336 Address: 5 Tovar Street Ward 15 Applicant: Scott Kirkwood Articles: Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations 4 family use Forbidden Article 65, Section 9.2 Dim Regs: Location of Main Entrance Main entrance for unit 2 is on the side Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Required 10' a Roofed deck is proposed on the left side yard to access unit 2 Article 66 Section 42 Off Street Parking & Loading Req The driveway to access the proposed space is shared with the left neighbor's lot Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Max. allowed: 0.5 Existing: 1.41 Proposed: 1.94 + stairway areas (not included in the calculations by architect) Purpose: Renovate and convert 3 family to 4 family residential. Eplan
Case: BOA- 1106343 Address: 9 Tovar Street Ward 15 Applicant: Scott Kirkwood Articles: Article 65, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient lot area required: 5,000 sqft Proposed: 2,719 sqft Article 65, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Required: 50' Proposed: 38' Article 65, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Required: 50' Proposed: 38' Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Max. allowed: 0.5 Proposed: 1.17+ stairway areas Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Max. allowed: 2.5 Proposed: 3 Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Required: 10' Proposed: 4.7' (L) and 7.1' (R) Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Required: 30' Proposed: 18' 7" Article 66 Section 42 Off Street Parking & Loading Req The driveway shall be entirely in the property and not shared with neighbor's lot. Article 65, Section 41 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Parking spaces required: 3 Provided 2 + 1 (on different lot ancillary parking) Purpose: Erect new 3 family residential building. File in conjunction w/ ALT1084370. eplan > BOA
Case: BOA- 1072448 Address: 16 Howe Street Ward 15 Applicant: 16 Howe Street, LLC Articles: Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations MFR Forbidden Article 65, Section 9 Excessive F.A.R. Article 65, Section 9 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 65 Section 41 Off Street Parking and Loading Maneuvering areas (tandem parking) Purpose: Seeking to change the occupancy of the existing single family structure to a four family structure and renovate, including a rear addition and the creation of six parking spaces. Also, to combine Parcel ID 1502817000 and Parcel ID 15028170001 to form one new 6,500 SF Lot. E Plans Attached. ZBA.
Case: BOA-1125859 Address: 33-39 Savin Hill Avenue Ward 15 Applicant: 33-39 Savin Hill Avenue, LLC Article: Art. 07 Sec. 4 Other Protectional Conditions Proviso "To petitioner only" Purpose: TO REMOVE TAKE OUT PROVISO. *Paper plans
Case: BOA- 1005295 Address: 571B Washington Street Ward 17 Applicant: Low Key Dispensary Article: Article 65, Section 15Use: Conditional Cannabis dispensary Purpose: Planning to open a dispensary at 571B Washington St. Dorchester, 02124, that we currently hold ownership of.
Case: BOA-1054245 Address: 32 Brent Street Ward 17 Applicant: RB Brent St, LLC Articles: Art. 10 Sec. 01 Limitation of Area of Accessory Uses Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations Three family dwelling (forbidden) Article 65, Section 9Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 41 Off Street Parking & Loading Req 65 41.4 Off street parking, Location Article 65, Section 41 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off street parking, Design Purpose: Change from 2 to 3 family /demo, frame new third floor addition for change to 3 stories, roof, exterior trim, siding, windows, three story deck on side of building, demolish garage and add 6 (six) parking spaces including one on the front of the building, modify front façade to accommodate addition. footing, landscape, extend driveway to rear and front of property. Interior / plumbing, electric, HVAC, Sprinkler system, Spray foam insulation, Blue Board/Plaster/trim, doors, stairs, hwf, tile, kitchen cabinet, paint. LPR
Case: BOA-1043391 Address: 16 Colonial Avenue Ward 17 Applicant: Domingas A. Da Silva Articles: Art. 10 Sec. 01 Limitation of off street parking areas A5 ft min from side lot line Article 65, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Purpose: 2 car parking.
Case: BOA-1072612 Address: 16 Tanglewood Road Ward 17 Applicant: William Callahan Article: Article 65 Section 41 Off Street Parking and Loading Location: Off street parking facility shall be provided on the same lot as the main use to which they are accessory Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations Three family dwelling: Forbidden Article 65, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Purpose: Change of Occupancy from Two Family Dwelling to Three Family Dwelling (Legalize three family). Construct new addition and proposed (3) off street parking. Please attached to proposed subdivision ALT1071270 and proposed 6 unit new construction ERT1071265. [ePlan]
Case: BOA- 1072609 Address: 16 Tanglewood Road Ward 17 Applicant: William Callahan Article: Article 65, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient Purpose: Subdividing the existing lot into 2 parcels. The existing 2 family home is now a proposed 3 unit alteration (ALT1071262) and a 6 unit new construction residential building is proposed on the other side of the new lot line (ERT1071265). **All 3 application are going to the ZBA**
Case: BOA-1072607 Address: 21 Tanglewood Road Ward 17 Applicant: William Callahan Articles: Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations Multi Family Dwelling (6 units): Forbidden Article 65, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Feet) Article 65, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Purpose: Erect new 6 unit residential building with roof deck and 9 parking spaces. Please attach to the 3 unit proposed alteration ALT1071262 and proposed subdivision ALT1071270. [ePlan]
Case: BOA-1057138 Address: 26 Doncaster Street Ward 18 Applicant: Alfonso Sira Articles: Article 67, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 67, Section 9Building Height (# of Stories) Excessive Article 67, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: New construction of a Single Family residence.
Case: BOA-112719 Address: 69 Readville Street Ward 18 Applicant: Terry O’Relly Articles: Article 69 Section 8 Use Regulations in Res District 9 unit MFR dwelling – Forbidden Article 69 Section 9 # of allowed stories exceeded Article 69 Section 9 Excessive F.A.R Article 69 Section 9 Insufficient open space Purpose: Erect new building for 9 units.
Case: BOA- 1099399 Address: 32 Perkins Street Ward 19 Applicant: Timothy Burke Articles: Article 55, Section 9 55 9.3 Main entrance must face the front lot line. Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 55, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 55, Section 41.12 Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Purpose: Change occupancy from 3 family dwelling to a two family dwelling . Extend living space into the basement with a 2nd kitchen for unit 1, Complete. Renovation existing house Work includes new kitchens, baths and associated mechanical and electrical work. Construct addition on rear for new stair and deck. (See er1079150 for proposed new rear building single family).
Case: BOA-1099404 Address: 32R Perkins Street Ward 19 Applicant: Timothy Burke Articles: Article 55, Section 41.12 Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 55, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 55, Section 8 Use Regulations Article 55, Section 40.5aParking Maneuverability Article 55, Section 40 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Front yard parking not allowed Article 55, Section 40 Off Street Parking & Loading Req parking to be 5 ft from side lot line Purpose: Demolish existing carriage house/Garage and construct a new one family structure of similar size.(see alt1079150 32 Perkins renovation and change of use) both buildings to have fire protection. Eplan
Case: BOA- 944854 Address: 36 Neillian Cr Ward 19 Applicant: Antonio Ferrara Articles: Article 55, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: Tear down existing structure and erect new single family dwelling with a one car attached garage. Letter Of Intent To Withdraw
Case: BOA-1113797 Address: 36 Neillian Cr Ward 19 Applicant: James McCabe Articles: Article 55, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: Remove/demo existing one story frame structure off of the existing foundation. Erect 2.5 story new construction addition as per attached plans.
Case: BOA- 1121644 Address: 143 Dent Street Ward 20 Applicant: Andrew Piedra Articles: Article 56, Section 39 Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off Street Parking Insufficient Article 56, Section 8 Lot Width Insufficient Article 56, Section 8 Lot Frontage InsufficientArticle 56, Section 8Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 56, Section 8 Front Yard Insufficient Article 56. Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Erect a new single family dwelling. Demo existing house on a separate permit. [ZBA ePlan]
Case: BOA-1004672 Address: 249 Corey Road Ward 21 Applicant: Corey Realty Ventures Nominee Trust Articles: Art. 51 Sec. 08 Use Regulations Multi family dwelling unit use building is forbidden Art. 51 Sec. 09 Floor area ratio is excessive Art. 51 Sec. 09 Height is excessive (stories) Art. 51 Sec. 09 Height is excessive (ft) Art. 51 Sec. 09 Rear yard setback is insufficient Art. 51 Sec. 09 Front yard setback (Jordan St) is insufficient Art. 51 Sec. 56 Off street parking requirements Off street parking is insufficient Article 51, Section 56 Off Street Loading Insufficient Off street loading is insufficient Art. 51 Sec. 57.2 Exst'g Bldg Algnmnt Conformity Front modal alignment of Corey Rd block is not met Article 51, Section 57.3 Traffic Visibility Across Corner Purpose: Change occupancy from nursing home to multi family residential. Erect a 49,344 sf, 4 story, 34 unit building and a basement with 33 parking spaces. The existing building will be demolished under a separate building permit application.
Case: BOA-1118027 Address: 135 Athens Street Ward: 6Applicant: Obrien Construction and Remodeling Article: Art 68 Sec 29 Roof Structure Restrictions Installation of a private roof deck on lower roof per plans submitted Purpose: Install roof deck per plans.
Case: BOA- 961465 Address: 37 Monmouth Street Ward 1 Applicant: Zephyr Realty, LLC Article(s): Art. 53 Sec. 08* Forbidden – Four family dwelling unit is a forbidden use Art. 53 Sec. 09 * Floor area ratio is excessive Art. 53 Sec. 09 * Height is excessive (ft) Art. 53 Sec. 09 * Height is excessive (stories) Art. 53 Sec. 09 * Side yard setback is insufficient Art. 53 Sec. 09 * Rear yard setback is insufficient Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Art. 53 Sec. 56 Off street parking insufficient Purpose: Change Occupancy from a two to a four unit residential dwelling, renovate, erect addition with head house and roof deck.
Case: BOA- 1028114 Address: 31-37 Beach Street Ward 3 Applicant: CDC Realty Corp & Media Vision by Richard Lynds, Esq Article(s): Article 11, Sec. 7 Electronic Signs Article 11, Section 6 Billboards Purpose: Propose 15' x 25' digital billboard on the corner of Harrison Ave and Beach St.
Case: BOA-975065 Address: 7 Beaver Place Ward 5 Applicant: Stephen Payne Article: 32(32-4) 13(13-13-1) Purpose: To correct an “unsafe” violation, V439035: Remove the front façade of the building and structural elements (primarily floor joists, and rafters) that bear on it. Nominal paid on ALT8024843. *Clarification: Building razed.
Case: BOA- 999900 Address: 7 Beaver Place Ward 5 Applicant: Stephen Payne Purpose: To correct an “unsafe” violation, V439035: Remove the front façade of the building and structural elements (primarily floor joists, and rafters) that bear on it. Nominal paid on ALT8024843. *Clarification: Building razed. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 07 – Section 705.8; Exterior Wall Openings proposed < 3’ from lot line is not permitted.
Case: BOA- 1046244 Address: 3305-3307 Washington Street Ward 11 Applicant: Timothy Johnson Article: 55(55-40.5a) 55(55-41) 55(55-40: Off-street parking insufficient & Off-street loading insufficient) 55(55-8: Use multifamily dwelling forbidden, Use commercial space forbidden & Use accessory parking forbidden) 55(55-9: Lot area for additional dwelling units insufficient, Floor area ratio excessive, Building height excessive, Building height (# of stories) excessive, Usable open space insufficient, Front yard insufficient, Side yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Combine existing Lot 2257 & Lot 2258 into One 9,378 sq ft Lot. Addition / renovation to create a 4 story Mixed-Use Building. Change Occupancy from Office, One Apartment and Intern Overnight Accommodation to a Commercial space, Multifamily Dwelling (14 Units), and Garage (12 Vehicles). Upper Floor Units will have individual Roof Decks. Building will be fully Sprinklered. Application will require ZBA approval.
Case: BOA-1023262 Address: 26-28 Perrin Street Ward 12 Applicant: Thomas Rovero Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29: Floor area ratio excessive, Building height excessive, Usable open space insufficient & Side yard insufficient) 50(50-44) Purpose: Erect a new 2 ½ story, 4 Family Dwelling w/3 Bedrooms and 2 full Baths in all 4 Units. Building will be fully Sprinklered. There will be a 4 Car Garage built at-grade behind Dwelling (ERT994197).
Case: BOA- 1023265 Address: 26R Perrin Street Ward 12 Applicant: Thomas Rovero Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29) 50(50-44) Purpose: Construct a 22’ x 38’ Four (4) Car Garage behind proposed Four (4) Family Dwelling @ 26-28 Perrin Street (ERT965942).
Case: BOA-971287 Address: 643 Morton Street Ward 14 Applicant: Holy Tabernacle Church Apostolic, Inc Article: 60(60-9) Purpose: Change of Occupancy from Childcare Center to Three-Family Dwelling. No work to be done.
Case: BOA-971286 Address: 643 Morton Street Ward 14 Applicant: Holy Tabernacle Church Apostolic, Inc Purpose: Change of Occupancy from Childcare Center to Three-Family Dwelling. No work to be done. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR 903.2 (MA Amend) – Occupancy Automatic Sprinkler Required. All Use Group R requires automatic sprinkler system.
Case: BOA- 1039457 Address: 1R Lorenzo Street Ward 16 Applicant: Timothy Johnson Article(s): Article 65, Section 42 Application of Dimensional Req – 2. Conformity with existing Building Alignment Article 65, Section 9 # of allowed habitable stories has been exceed Purpose: Combine parcels 274 & 2727 and erect new 2-1/2 story, 2 family dwelling w/rear decks and 4 off street parking spaces as per plans submitted
Case: BOA-937921 Address: 1449-1453 Hyde Park Avenue Ward 18 Applicant: 1449 LLC Article: 69(69-29) 69(69-30) 69(69-8) 69(69-9: Insufficient rear yard setback – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Insufficient lot size – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Excessive F.A.R. – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Number of allowed stories exceeded – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.) & Insufficient usable open space – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.)) Purpose: Change occupancy of two family into an 11 unit MFR dwelling and construct addition per plan submitted. (This is one of two structures on the same lot, other structure is a two family (a.k,a. 8 Dacy Street)).
Case: BOA-1014112 Address: 59A Strathmore Road Ward 21 Applicant: A Limited Liability Company, LLC Article(s): Article 51 Section 9 Insufficient additional lot area/unit Article 51 Section 9 Excessive F.A.R. Article 51 Section 9 Excessive height Article 51 Section 9 Insufficient open space/unit Article 51 Section 9 # of allowed stories exceeded Article 51 Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback Article 51 Section 9 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 51, Section 56 Off Street Parking Insufficient Purpose: Seeking to change the occupancy from four residential units to five residential units. Also, to add a fifth floor addition and renovate.
Case: BOA-1062676 Address: 11 Dana Avenue Ward: 18 Applicant: Ralph Rosati Purpose: The petitioner’s seeks a determination that the Inspectional Services Department erred in issuing permit# ERT812153. The permit was issued as an allowed use.
Case: BOA-1122437 Address: 102 High Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Tucker Levy Articles: Article 62, Section 8 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 62, Section 25 Roof Structure Restrictions Article 62, Section 8 Excessive F.A.R. Purpose: Renovate kitchen /garden level and add 145sqft addition to rear garden level of home to create additional living space. No change in occupancy.
Case: BOA-999494 Address: 6 Mount Vernon Avenue Ward: 2 Applicant: Timothy Burke Articles: Art. 09 Sec. 01 Reconstruction/Extension of Non-conforming Bldg.Extension of non-conforming height <25% Article 62, Section 25 Roof Structure Restrictions Dormer Article 62, Section 8 Insufficient rear yard setback Purpose: Amend permit to construct a new dormer on rear of house with a roof deck above. Access to roof deck from new stair and hatch. Work includes new framing, cladding, windows, decking, roof hatch and railings. Work includes associated electrical, plumbing and mechanical work.
Case: BOA-1118027 Address: 135 Athens Street Ward: 6Applicant: Obrien Construction and Remodeling Article: Art 68 Sec 29 Roof Structure Restrictions Installation of a private roof deck on lower roof per plans submitted Purpose: Install roof deck per plans.
Case: BOA- 1029539 Address: 66 Dorchester Street Ward: 6 Applicant: Christopher Agostino Articles: Art. 18 Sec. 01 Front Yard Insufficient Art. 19 Section 1 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Two off street parking spaces at property (DPW curb cut approved).
Case: BOA-1133098 Address: 15 Nira Avenue Ward: 10 Applicant: Dauntless Path, LLC Article: Article 55, Section 12 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: Complete gut rehab of existing structure as per plans. EPLAN
Case: BOA-1121041 Address: 36 Gaston Street Ward: 12 Applicant: Amenyonah Bossman Article: Article 50,Section 28 Use regulations Transitional Housing is a conditional use in a 3F 4000 sub district Purpose: Construction renovations to change use from 1 family to a Residential house for re-entry for women being released from prison. Work consists of demolition, waterproofing, Fire Sprinkler, Fire Escape, Fire Alarm, Interior Framing and two bathroom renovations. ADA bathroom and Wheelchair lift. Interior finishes.
Case: BOA- 1130250 Address: 251 Savin Hill Avenue Ward 13 Applicant: Keith Costa Article: Article 9, Section 1 Extension of Non-Conforming Use Purpose: Create a Parking area for Two cars in the rear of 251 Savin Hill Ave, accessible from Savin Hill Lane (a private way) using pervious paving stones. E Plans
Case: BOA-1121148 Address: 18 Spaulding Street Ward: 16 Applicant: Benedicte Dienjuste Articles: Article 65, Section 9 Excessive F.A.R. .5 max. Article 65, Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback 10' min Article 65, Section 9# of allowed habitable stories has been exceeded 2.5 stories max. Purpose: Amending ALT#877594 reviewed by examiner (FD) to perform additional work by constructing a new dormer on the right side of home and to extend dormer size on left side of home for ZBA review and approval per plans submitted to include elimination of chimney (cap off at attic floor).
Case: BOA-1127963 Address: 23 Macdonald Street Ward:18 Applicant: Brady-Built Articles: Article 69, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 69, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Prepare site for sunroom addition by removing siding for attachment wall, cutting back soffit and building new cricket, installing 2 rows of 3 helical screws to support addition, replace bedroom windows with sliding door. Install sunroom built at factory by crane. Install siding and trim. [ePlan]
Case: BOA-1099592 Address: 215 Dana Avenue Ward:18 Applicant: Santiago Pined Articles: Article 69, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 69, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Art. 09 Sec. 01 Extension of Non-Conforming Use This needs Neighborhood Design Review Purpose: First floor, second floor and attic renovation including: Replacement of windows Dining room wall framing repair Kitchens renovation Bathrooms renovation New bathroom in attic Dormer roof repair Rafters repair Re roofing Removal of two chimneys New flooring throughout Plumbing/electrical updating. EPLAN
Case: BOA-1090178 Address: 7 Arborview Road Ward: 19 Applicant: Tom Kearns Articles: Article 55, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 12 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 12 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: 750 GSF (375 GSF Footprint) two story addition at North (rear Yard) with landscape terrace, 62 GSF entry vestibule addition at South (front yard) with landscape steps. All existing windows, siding, and gutters/downspouts to be replaced. Select interior renovations. Builders license and info needed before issue. Eplan
Case: BOA- 1123884 Address: 3 Paragon Road Ward:20 Applicant: Daniel Murray Articles: Article 56, Section 8 Front Yard Insufficient Article 56, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 56. Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Raise roof of existing house per plans. Build new addition with attached garage per plans (wood built Type 5).