Boston Water and Sewer Commission remote meeting
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission will be holding a remote meeting on January 27 at 2 p.m.
Under the provisions of G.L. c 30A, and per the Order signed by the Governor on March 12, 2020, to suspend certain provisions of the open meeting law, this meeting will be conducted remotely. The dial-in information is below.
- Dial-in number: +646-558-8656 US (New York)
- One tap mobile: +16465588656# US (New York)
- Meeting ID: 824 9079 2396
- Passcode: 048 913
Discussion Topics
Call to Order
- Minutes of Meeting
- Minutes of the December 22, 2020 Meeting
Informational Reports
- Disbursement Ratification (Schedules A, B & D)
- Affirmative Action Plan: Fourth Quarter Report for the period October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020
General Management Reports
- Capital Improvement Program Budget Variance Report
- Monthly Management Report
Proposals and Contracts
- Project Performance Tracking and Reporting
- Commission Authorization to Advertise for Bids, Contract No. 17-309-001, Sewerage, Drainage and Water Work Improvements in City Proper, Dorchester, Hyde Park, South Boston and West Roxbury
- Commission Authorization to Advertise a Two-Year Contract for Security Guard Services
- Commission Authorization to Utilize the Current Approved Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Contract VEH109 for Tires & Tubes, New and Retread in 2021
- Commission Authorization to Utilize the Current Approved Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Contract FAC100 for Industrial, Construction and Safety Equipment and Supplies
- Commission Authorization to Award Sole Source Contracts for Fleet Specialized Parts and Service in 2021
Executive Session
- Minutes