Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
The Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, May 16, 2019, at 5 p.m.
(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit after 5:30 p.m.)
Discussion Topics
19.099 BH 11 Irving Street: Installation of intercom system. Continued from 8/16/2018 & 3/21/2019 Public Hearings
Design Review
19.900 BH 94 Beacon Street: Replace deteriorated roof slates in-kind; replace deteriorated wood trim at dormer in-kind, and install new copper flashing. Continued from 3/21/2019 Public Hearing
19.1151 BH 25 Phillips Street: At rear elevation replace rear door to deck and restore brick-in window opening (See Administrative Review items below).
19.1011 BH 77A Revere Street: At roof reconstruct roof deck.
19.905 BH 43 Mount Vernon Street: At roof move existing roof deck to one side, replace black rubber membrane roof and copper capping in-kind, and move deck back to same area.
19.1155 BH 33 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade replace existing wood and vinyl windows with wood six-over-two windows, install window shutters and window flower boxes, repair entry door and door surround and paint black, replace door hardware, and install new buzzer at entry (See Administrative Review items below).
19.1144 BH 4 Walnut Street: At roof replace existing roof deck with similar size and shape deck; remove and roof over one skylight; and replace access hatch.
19.1086 BH 65-66 Beacon Street: At Charles Street elevation install safety glass at entry door and refurbish automatic door opener.
19.1148 BH 39 Beacon Street: At front façade replace intercom system and install fire connection; and at rood replace existing steel railing system at deck and install green roof.
19.1071 BH 109 Charles Street: At rear lower roof replace two existing skylights in-kind.
19.1004 BH 28 Pinckney Street: Replace existing in-filled garage door opening with new overhead garage door painted black; paint existing door black; remove existing paint from masonry; and restore curb cut and sidewalk (work previously approved by BHAC on June 18, 2015). Continued from 2/21/2019 & 4/18/2019 Public Hearings
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: At Charles Street façade relocate entry and install new entry doors, replace and lengthen first-story windows, repair and replace existing cornice and awning brackets as needed, recover awning; at Branch Street elevation create new window openings; and replace wooden window shutters at Charles Street façade and Branch Street elevation (See Administrative Review items below). Continued from 3/21/2019 & 4/18/2019 Public Hearings
Administrative Review/Approval
19.1148 BH 39 Beacon Street: Clean and repair masonry; repair and re-paint window frames, sash and mouldings; repair and repaint metalwork; repair and repaint front entry portico, trim, door, transom and sidelights; repair downspout and gutter system; repair copper parapet at front façade; and repair and repaint rear entry doors and sidelight (See Design Review item above).
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: Clean and repair masonry (See Design Review item above).
19.1152 BH 75 Chestnut Street: At front façade replace four second-story six-over-six non-historic wood windows in-kind.
19.1083 BH 27-29 Hancock Street: At front façade replace three black steel brackets at fire escape in-kind.
19.1155 BH 33 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade clean, repair and re-point masonry and repair and repaint lower entry door (See Design Review item above).
19.1136 BH 90 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade restore nine existing windows and replace two cellar three-over-three windows in-kind.
19.1111 BH 129-131 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade bay roofs replace black rubber membrane roof and copper drip edge in-kind.
19.1172 BH 2 Otis Place: Re-point masonry.
19.1151 BH 25 Phillips Street: At front façade replace three second-story two-over-two wood windows in-kind (See Design Review item above).
19.1084 BH 41 West Cedar Street: Repaint entry door and stairs.
19.1128 BH 1 West Hill Place: Repair deteriorated masonry cornice and masonry belt course, and re-point brickwork.
- Ratification of 4/18/2019 Public Hearing Minutes
- Staff Updates
- Projected Adjournment - 9:00pm