Licensing Board hearing
The Board will hold a vote on One-Day Amendments and Change of d/b/a and Manager of a Lodging House on June 13 at 10 am.
Discussion Topics
The Following have applied for a One Day Amendment to be voted on June 13, 2019.
Smith & Wollensky Atlantic Wharf, LLC d/b/a Smith & Wollensky 294 Congress St. Boston MA 02210 have applied for a one day amendment requesting an extension of premise to include Greenway/Boston Properties Lawn, next to patio of the restaurant for Boston Society of Architects Summer Event on June 20, 2019 between the hours of 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Change of Manager and d/b/a to Lodging House to be voted on June 13, 2019.
Bay State College d/b/a Garden Halls Residence 164 Marlborough St. Boston, MA 02116 have applied to change the the d/b/a name From: Bay State College To: Commonwealth Realty Trust and to change the manager From: Kate Ackerman To: Leanne Gibbons.
Educor Inc. d/b/a Garden Halls Residence 125 Commonwelath Ave. Boston, MA 02116 have applied to change the the d/b/a name From: Educor Inc. To: Commonwealth Realty Trust and to change the manager From: Craig Pfannestiel To: Leanne Gibbons.
Educor Inc. d/b/a Garden Halls Residence 127 Commonwelath Ave. Boston, MA 02116 have applied to change the the d/b/a name From: Educor Inc. To: Commonwealth Realty Trust and to change the manager From: Craig Pfannestiel To: Leanne Gibbons.
Educor Inc. d/b/a Garden Halls Residence 181 Commonwelath Ave. Boston, MA 02116 have applied to change the the d/b/a name From: Educor Inc. To: Commonwealth Realty Trust and to change the manager From: Craig Pfannestiel To: Leanne Gibbons.