Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston d/b/a Boston planning & Development Agency
A Public Meeting
Discussion Topics
1. Request authorization for the approval of the Executive Session Minutes of the May 16, 2019 Meeting and the Minutes of the June 13, 2019 Meeting.
2. Request authorization to accept and expend $384,000.00 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Seaport Economic Council to fund electrical upgrades at Drydock #3 within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park; and, to enter into a grant agreement with Boston Ship Repair, LLC to grant said funds to Boston Ship Repair, LLC.
3. Request authorization to allow the Mass. Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund to lease approximately 3,373 square feet of space at 22 Drydock Avenue for the principal office and an incubator space for veteran entrepreneurs.
4. Request authorization to extend the lease agreement with Adcotron EMS, Inc. for continued use of 45,001 square feet at 12 Channel Street, Suites 201 and 301 within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Industrial Park.
5. Request authorization to execute a contract with MacKay Construction Services, Inc. for the Repairs to the Existing Garage Project located at 12 Drydock Avenue within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, in an amount not to exceed $4,563,195.00.
6. Request authorization to execute a contract with Coastal Marine Construction, L.L.C. for the Bulkhead Rehabilitation at the East Jetty within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, in an amount not to exceed $1,655,524.00.
7. Personnel