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Beacon Hill Architectural Commission

The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday October 17, 2019, at 5 p.m.

To enter and exit City Hall after 5:30 p.m. please use the Congress Street Entrance.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics


    VIO # 20.010 BH 86 Chestnut Street Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved removal of rear garden door and installation of front light, door handle, and alarm bell without BHAC approval.

    APP # 20.347 BH (Violation 19.078)  24 Joy Street Proposed Work: Replace existing window signage with new signage.
    Proposed Work: 

  2. Design Review

    APP # 19.777 BH:          45 Beacon Street Proposed Work: Install asphalt berm at rear wall of Carriage barn. (Remanded to Commission for reconsideration per Order of Superior Court)

    APP # 20.409 BH         28 Pinckney Street Proposed Work: Install new roll up garage door.

    APP # 20.209 BH         9 Willow Street Proposed Work: At all facades; repaint wood windows, trim, and bays in kind.

    APP # 20.382 BH          150 Mount Vernon Street Proposed Work: At front façade, replace existing electronic lock and key set, and door knocker. Replace existing door numbers, At side door, replace existing mail slot.

    APP # 20.283 BH         92 Pinckney Street Proposed Work: At North, West and South Facades replace all windows (historic and replacement) with proper pane configuration to match existing.

    APP # 20.362 BH          88 Charles Street Proposed Work: At front façade, install new blade sign.

    APP # 20.371 BH           151-153 Charles Street Proposed Work: At side yard visible from Charles Street, replace wooden picket fence gate with metal diamond plate.

    APP # 20.377 BH          75 Hancock Street Proposed Work: At front façade, install custom window security grill for front street level window.

    APP # 20.379 BH          10 Otis Place Proposed Work: At rear façade facing Storrow Drive, replace existing barbed wire fence with a cedar privacy fence. Removed at request of applicant

    APP # 20.380 BH         71 Beacon Street #5 Proposed Work: At rear facades level four, replace five, wood, 6 over 6 original windows with five, 6 over 6, simulated divided light windows.

    APP # 20.381 BH          33 Bowdoin Street Proposed Work: At front façade, change the previously approved (App: 16.931) replacement windows from the existing shade of white to black.

    APP # 20.273 BH          10 Walnut Street Proposed Work: At front façade, replace 14 original double hung 6 over 6 wood windows. Install horn, fire strobe, and sprinkler connection (See additional items in administrative review).


    APP # 20.294 BH         37 Beacon Street: At ground level, front and side facades replace five, 8 over 8, wood, windows at front and one window at side façade with 8 over 8 wood, true divided lites. Exterior to be painted Navajo White to match existing.

    APP # 20.306 BH         41 Beacon Street: At West (side) façade, remove and replace gutter with new copper gutter.

    APP # 20.322 BH          41 Beacon Street: At main entrance to 41 and 41A Beacon Street and stone soffit, repair and clean stonework  using SEI Chemical Limestone Cleaner AR-104-5. At front façade, remove rust from base of wrought iron fencing where it joins granite using SEI Chemical Masonry Rust Remover AR 103-5. Repoint stonework using type S mortar. Color, style and tooling made to match existing.

    APP # 20.293 BH          91 Beacon Street #3: At front elevation level four, replace two, wood, non-original bowed 2 over 2 windows with two, wood, bowed 2 over 2 windows painted black to match existing.

    APP # 20.322 BH          39 Brimmer Street: At front entrance, cut and restore existing masonry, seal with Tremco Building Sealant with color to match existing. Restore base of left column brownstone with cast stone, with integrated color to match existing. Seal top steps with Tremco sealant. At left side of steps, cut and repair cracks, seal with Tremco sealant integrated color to match existing.

    APP # 20.320 BH          77 Charles Street: At front façade all levels, restore headers and sills as needed, clean façade with sure clean 600, coat headers and sills with Tammscoat, sand and repaint all window trim to match existing, seal existing gutters.

    APP # 20.272 BH          44 Chestnut Street: At rear façade, scrape and repaint wood trim with BM Aura Exterior Paint, low lustre.

    APP # 20.391 BH          67 Chestnut Street: At front façade, remove all slate and copper; install high temp ice and water shield, install new slate. Slate is to match existing in color, style and shape. Install new copper gutters, new copper dormer tops, down spout and window pans. At front façade, replace all decorative trim and sills in kind with like materials.

    APP # 20.308 BH         10 Derne Street: At front façade scrape and repaint entryway front and secondary door. Paint to match existing color; BM Regal Select.

    APP # 20.326 BH          20 Grove Street: At front façade, cut and repoint brick using mortar type “N” and fine sand, mortar joints to match existing.  

    APP # 20.356 BH          11 Irving Street: At front façade, level 3. Replace 3 non-original wood 6 over 1 windows with 3, wood, 6 over 1 windows.

    APP # 20.387 BH          45 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade third floor, repoint brick to match existing.

    APP # 20.376 BH          81 Myrtle Street: At rear façade, replace slate mansard slate with like slate in color, shape and pattern. Install new copper gutter, flashing, and downspout, reset existing fire escape.

    APP # 20.316 BH          11A Revere Street: At front façade garden level 1, replace two, 1 over 1 , wood windows in kind.

    APP # 20.291 BH          23 Pinckney Street: At rear façade, repair and repoint bricks using type N. Repair brick line under gutter, replace deteriorated window sills as needed. Replace all window trim in kin repaint trim to match existing. Repaint steel post on deck rail to match existing.

    APP # 20.310 BH          112 Pinckney Street: At front façade Unit 34; replace 8 cracked window panes, repaint windows black to match existing.

    APP # 20.273 BH          10 Walnut Street: At front façade, patch slate roof as needed, replacements to match existing. Replace copper gutter and downspout in kind. Remove 2 storm doors and 3 storm windows at penthouse level (See Additional Items in Design Review).

    APP # 20.327 BH          89-91 West Cedar Street: At front façade, cut and repoint using mortar type N. At fifth floor replace three 1 over 1 wood windows with three 6 over 6 wood windows.

    APP # 20.370 BH          9 Willow Street: At penthouse level west elevation, replace wood arched window in kin. At southern façade, level 7, replace three 6 light casement windows in kind. Windows are only slightly visible from the Willow Street.

  4. RATIFICATION OF 9/19/2019 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES & 09/12/2019, 09/19/2019 & 10/2/2019 subcommittee meeting minutes.
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