Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency
A Public Meeting
Discussion Topics
1. Request authorization for the approval of the Minutes of the October 17, 2019 Meeting.
2. Request authorization to extend the Tentative Designation of Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, Inc., as Redeveloper for the redevelopment and long term lease of EDIC Berth 10 Dock and the adjacent water sheet located in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park; and, to enter into a license agreement with said Redeveloper.
3. Request authorization to approve the assignment to the lease with Adcotron, EMS, Inc. to East West Boston, LCC for use of 45,001 square feet of space located at 12 Channel Street, Suites 201 and 301 within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park.
4. Request authorization to execute a lease with RBK ll Tenant, LLC for use of 3,373 square feet of space located at 22 Drydock Avenue, Suite 202 within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park.
5. Request authorization to accept $50,000.00 from Living Cities for consultant services for a buying plan; and, to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with City of Boston Office of Economic Development to document how the BPDA and City will jointly expend said grant.
6. Request authorization to execute any and all necessary documents to subscribe to Office 365 for three years, in an amount not to $103,077.00.
7. Request authorization to enter into a contract with MacKay Construction Services, Inc. for snow clearance/plowing, snow removal and salting/sanding services within Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park for a one-year contract with 2 one-year options, in an amount not exceed $250,000.00.
8. Request authorization to execute an Engineering Service Contract with STV, Inc., in connection with mobility improvements and streetscape design at Northern Avenue and Tide Street located in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, in an amount not exceed $229,251.67.
9. Personnel