Licensed Premise Inspections hearing
The Licensing Board will hold a hearing at 10 a.m. on December 3, 2019.
Discussion Topics
Licensed Premise Inspection
1). Sofia's Food Enterprise, Corp., doing business as: La Gran Manzana
Location: 22 Central Sq East Boston, MA 02128
License#: LB 146396, Notice/Violation#: 007776, Category: CV7MWLN
Date: 09/14/2019
Notice: Assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (stabbing) patron on patron in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64, ch. 265
s. 15A.
2). Galway, Inc., doing business as: The Harp
Location: 85 Causeway St Boston, MA 02114
License#: LB 99359, Notice/Violation#: 008437, Category: CV7AL
Date: 08/25/2019
Notice: Patron on patron Assault and battery in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64, ch. 265 s. 13A.
3). Brannelly's Cafe, Inc., doing business as: J.J. Brannelly's
Location: 4432 4434 Washington St Roslindale, MA 02131
License#: LB 99288, Notice/Violation#: 27895, Category: CV7AL
Date: 07/28/2019
Notice: Assault and battery patron on patron in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and ch. 265 s. 13A.
4). Boston Ballroom Corporation, doing business as: Royale
Location: 279 Tremont St Boston, MA 02116
License#: LB 99277, Notice/Violation#: 070698, Category: CV7AL
Date: 07/14/2019
Notice: Over serving patron in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 69.
Staff belligerent towards police in violation of 138 s. 64 and BLB Rule 1.10 A&B.
5). Coppersmith Hall, LLC
Location: 40 W Third St South Boston, MA 02127
License#: LB 98927, Notice/Violation#: 026976, Category: CV7AL
Date: 09/10/2019
Notice: Consuming alcohol after hours on premise (1:00 am) in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and Board's rule 1.05.
Intoxicated parties on premise in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64.
6). Johnnie's on the Side LLC, doing business as: West End Johnnie's
Location: 138 Portland St Boston, MA 02114
License#: LB 99193, Notice/Violation#: 001671, Category: CV7AL
Date: 08/31/2019
Notice: Assault and battery (injuries) employee on patron in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and ch. 265 s. 13A.
7). Two Pounds, Inc., doing business as: The Tain
Location: 31 35 India St Boston, MA 02110
License#: LB 99114, Notice/Violation#: 002428, Category: CV7AL
Date: 08/25/2019
Notice: Assault and battery dangerous weapon patron on patron in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and ch. 265 s. 15A.
8). Courageous Sailing
Location: 1 First Ave Charlestown, MA 02129
License#: LB 414661, Notice/Violation#: 027545, Category: UNLIC
Date: 08/03/2019
Notice: Failure to post One Time Liquor License in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64.
Premise hosting event with DJ + live band not on one time Entertainment License in violation of M.G.L.
9). 49 Melcher Restaurant Group, LLC, doing business as: Bastile Kitchen/Chalet
Location: 49 Melcher St Boston, MA 02210
License#: LB 98923, Notice/Violation#: 027497, Category: CV7AL
Date: 08/30/2019
Notice: Blocked Fire Exit in violation of M.G.L. in violation of ch. 138 s. 64 and Board's rule 1.06A.
Expired ISD permit (8/26) and expired BFD Assembly permit (6/30/19) in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and Board's rule
10). Metro Dining, Inc.
Location: 32 34 Harvard Ave Allston, MA 02134
License#: LB 99095, Notice/Violation#: 027577, Category: CV7AL
Date: 09/01/2019
Notice: Persons under 21 in possession of alcohol on premise (draft beer) in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 34A, 34C, 64 64A.
Failure to post current ISD in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64.
11). The Circle Bar & Grill, doing business as: The Circle
Location: 356 Chestnut Hill Ave Brighton, MA 02135
License#: LB 99716, Notice/Violation#: 027587, Category: CV7MWL
Date: 09/06/2019
Notice: Persons under 21 in possession of alcohol on premise in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 34A, 34C, 64 64A.
12). The Circle Bar & Grill, doing business as: The Circle
Location: 356 Chestnut Hill Ave Brighton, MA 02135
License#: LB 99716, Notice/Violation#: 027590, Category: CV7MWL
Date: 09/07/2019
Notice: Overcrowding on first floor, 120 on mechanical count 90 capacity on first floor in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 64 and
Board's rule 1.03J, 1.06 A, F.
13). Silvio O. Conte Forum Trustees Of Boston College
Location: 200 Saint Thomas More Rd Brighton, MA 02135
License#: LBS 405597, Notice/Violation#: 027591, Category: SPCMWD
Date: 09/07/2019
Notice: Person under 21 in possession of alcohol in violation of M.G.L. ch. 138 s. 34A, 34C, 64 64A.
Service of more than 2 3 drinks to one patron at a time in violation of M.G.L. 138 s. 64.